Cheers in the Rain: United Food Bank’s Holiday Spla
The rain didn’t stop the spread of holiday cheer on December 20, 2023. Despite the weather conditions, United Food Bank helped more than 1,500 households bring home 104,000 pounds of food for the holidays, with the support of volunteers, Santa Claus, and even the Grinch! Residents across Arizona received ham, fresh produce, milk, eggs, and a variety of other food items at the Mesa Convention Center, averaging about 68 pounds of food per household! This feat is one of United Food Bank’s many initiatives to provide food for today and food for tomorrow, combating food insecurity throughout Arizona.
“Thank you beyond words, you have no idea the impact and life changing you do,” Trudie says to everyone who makes distributions like these possible. This was Trudie’s first time at a food distribution, which her friend suggested she come to after having her social security cut in half. The food she received helped lighten the load on her shoulders for the week and as she prepares to host her family gathering. “I haven’t had my boys together for the holidays in over 20 years, I am just ecstatic to have everyone together and enjoy the time we have together.”
United Food Bank loves helping bring communities and families together to alleviate hunger, and is glad to support families like Trudie’s. This mission is shared throughout Arizona, evidenced by resident Aurora who has been coming to distributions since the pandemic.
“I am so happy to be part of a community that takes care of people and helps each other out.” Aurora works as a cook for a hospital, and loves to cook for everyone. From the Thanksgiving distribution in November, she was able to prepare her special tamales with the leftover turkey! The food she picked up from this December distribution will help her celebrate the rest of the season with her three children and four grandchildren, who all live with her.
No matter the weather conditions, United Food Bank is dedicated to making sure that all families have one less thing to worry about as we enter the new year. “Thank you for being out here rain or shine,” says Phyllida, who stopped by the Thanksgiving distribution last month and appreciated the assistance during the holiday season. Her father accompanied her to this distribution, and shared the origins of her unique name. “You know Harry Potter? The book list he gets has an herbology book by Phyllida, it’s an English name,” he shares as Phyllida smiles at the retelling. Phyllida is his third child, and both of them have been recovering after her sister passed away. “Times seem to just be getting tougher and tougher so we are hoping for a good 2024.”
United Food Bank would like to thank all volunteers, donors, staff, and sponsors who made this event possible. As we enter a new year, prices continue to rise, and so does the need of millions of neighbors nationwide. Together we are working toward finding sustainable solutions to provide food for today and food for tomorrow. To find ways you can join the fight to end hunger, check out
Written by KC Raguay