Home > Agency Resources
Agency Network Resources
Welcome to the Agency Resources Page
Forms, training, contacts, and more for our Partner Agencies.
As we embark on this renewed journey, we are excited to share our updated Agency Partner (previously partner) Handbook with you. This comprehensive guide is designed to provide you with the essential information, resources, and support needed to navigate your membership effectively. It reflects the collective efforts and insights of our dedicated team, who have worked tirelessly to refine our processes and expand our services. Please take the time to watch the video below and review these handbook changes.
- Policies and Guidelines: Clear instructions to ensure compliance and effective service delivery.
- Training Materials: Click the button above to access our YouTube channel, where you’ll find videos and other resources to support your team’s development.
- Forms and Applications: Quick access to documents needed for reporting, requests, or updates.
- Program Updates: Click the button above to sign up for our newsletters and stay up-to-date with the latest initiatives, changes, and opportunities from United Food Bank.
- Best Practices: Tips and strategies shared by our network to inspire and elevate your agency’s impact.
Our Commitment to Thriving Communities
Our Commitment to Thriving Communities The Agency Network Team is dedicated to empowering our agency partners to serve Arizona’s communities with compassion and excellence. Together, we create safe and efficient channels for assistance, extending care beyond food to inspire hope and possibility for a brighter tomorrow.
As protectors and capacity builders, we strengthen the abilities of our agencies and United Food Bank to deliver quality, sustainable solutions that minimize food insecurity. Through collaboration, data-driven insights, and a shared commitment to growth, we help our communities and neighbors flourish.
Need help? Reach out to our team directly using the contact us tab provided above . We’re here to support you every step of the way!
The Emergency Food Assistance Program
TEFAP is a federal commodity food program that helps supplement the diets of low-income Americans, including older adults, by providing them with emergency food assistance at no cost. Through TEFAP, the USDA purchases a variety of nutritious, high-quality foods and makes those foods available to state-distributing agency partners.
United Food Bank is allocated a line of credit to obtain this food per our defined area based on the income and unemployment statistics of the area/zip code. This is a fixed allocation and one that is shared among the existing food banks in each county. When accepting TEFAP, the agency partner accepts federal and state requirements to track distribution data on Link2Feed within 24 hours of the distribution.
TEFAP participants cannot be pressured or influenced to support any religious, social, or political point of view in association with the receipt of USDA commodities.

TEFAP Required Forms
Application for Benefits (HRP-1028A) English | Spanish
For new clients receiving TEFAP or CSFP, provide the client with the Application for Benefits to have filled out and completed. This information will be used to enter into Link2Feed to record a visit and provide commodities.
Letter of Proxy
For neighbors who are unable to attend a food distribution, a family member or friend can bring a filled-out Letter of Proxy permitting the family member or friend to receive food for the client. The Letter of Proxy requires a picture ID of the client and family member or friend, remains valid for 1 year, and after it will need to be renewed.
USDA Compliance Review (HRP-1027A)
Per DES guidelines, United Food Bank requires each partner agency to participate in an annual audit to ensure all safety and compliance regulations are being followed.
Volunteer Confidentiality (HRP-1016A) English | Spanish
Due to volunteers gathering sensitive information from clients, all volunteers are required to sign a Volunteer Confidentiality form per state and federal laws to keep information protected.
Required Posted Signage
United Food Bank requires that all agency partners post the required signage according to program participation. The signage informs participants of their rights, eligibility guidelines, food safety, and the agency partner’s specific code of conduct.
Agency Hours of Operations
Distribution Hours are required to be posted to the public for TEFAP agencies. Changes in TEFAP distribution days or times must be
reported to the Agency and Programs team.
Allergen Warning – English | Spanish
Warning that donated foods may have come in contact with common allergens.
Americans with Disabilities Act Notice (ADA)
Agencies are not to discriminate on the basis of disability in admission to, access to, or operation of its programs, services, and activities or in its hiring and employment practices.
And Justice for All
Agency partners of United Food Bank are required to display the appropriate “And
Justice for All” poster in their facilities where participants can view it. “And Justice for All” posters must be displayed in a specific size: 11” width x 17” height. Agencies can contact United Food Bank for an up to date poster.
Code of Conduct (Sample)
A set of guidelines for neighbors to follow when visiting your pantry. This should be created by the agency.
Delivery Drop Zone
Volunteers, staff, and neighbors must be safely out of the way until food is fully unloaded Pallets, equipment, and food must be able to safely and fully fit through doorways.
Language Notification (FAA-1208A)
A resource that connects neighbors to an interpreter who can translate materials from English to their language.
Program Eligibility Forms – English | Spanish
Neighbor eligibility for all United Food Bank programs that are not commodity-based.
TEFAP Income Guidelines (HRP-1023A)
Neighbors are eligible if they can self-declare that their income falls at or below the rates on the Income Eligibility Guidelines. Proof of income is not required; however, verbal, written, or typed consent must be made by the neighbor.
As a reminder, the Income Eligibility Guidelines must be posted near the distribution check-in area.
USDA Civil Right Complaint Grievance Form (HRP-1014A) – English | Spanish
Neighbors must be made aware of their rights to file a Civil Rights Complaint Grievance. Forms must be posted in view for the neighbor to see and are required to be provided if requested.
TEFAP Monthly Reporting
Resources and training for TEFAP monthly reporting.
For more information or questions, contact the Agency Relations team at monthlyreports@vzu.7ea.myftpupload.com.
Reporting Resources & Training
TEFAP MIPR – Monthly Inventory and Participation Report (HRP-1005A)
All agency partners receiving TEFAP products must complete the HRP-1005A TEFAP Monthly Inventory and Participation Report (MIPR) form. All reporting is due as soon as possible, but no later than the 5th of the following month.
TEFAP MIPR Instructions (HRP-1005B)
A form guide from the Department of Economic Security describing how to complete the TEFAP MIPR.
Sheet (HRP-1013A)
If an agency cannot use Link2Feed, these sign-in sheets must be utilized and filed on-site at the agency for up to 5-years.
Link 2 Feed Resources & Training
Link 2 Feed Overview
Link2Feed is the statewide reporting and data-tracking network that the Department of
Economic Security has been mandated as a requirement to receive and distribute food from TEFAP or CSFP.
Link2Feed Training Videos
Find all Link2Feed training videos on our You Tube channel
FAQ + Training Video Guide
Find the answers to your Link2Feed questions to the exact minute they are captured on video.
Partner Agency Training Resources
Partner Training and Expectations 2024
A downloadable slide deck of the most recent partnership training and expectations. To schedule a training and tour with United Food Bank, please reach out to your program’s contact.
2023-2024-United Food Bank Agency Partner Handbook
Our complete guide to partnership with United Food Bank
Annual Civil Rights Training
Please view the Civil Rights Training video before completing the form.
Civil Rights Training Form (HRP 1015A) English | Spanish
Complete this form and submit it to your program’s contact.
Food Safety Training
Obtain a Food Handlers Card
Submit a copy of your updated Food Handlers Card to your program’s contact.
Food Safety 2023
Review our most recent food safety best practices presentation
Shelf Life Guide
Guide created by United Food Bank to support knowing the difference between “expiration” dates, “best by” dates, and “use by” dates.
The Commodity Supplemental Food Program
The Commodity Senior Food Program, also referred to as the Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP), is a federal commodity food program that helps supplement the diets of low-income older adults, 60 years or older, by providing them with emergency food assistance at no cost.
Similar to TEFAP, the USDA purchases a variety of nutritious, high-quality foods and makes those foods available to state-distributing agency partners in the form of CSFP boxes that should be picked up every month by program participants.
CSFP participants cannot be pressured or influenced to support any religious, social, or political point of view in association with the receipt of USDA commodities.

CSFP Required Forms
Application for Benefits (HRP-1028A) English | Spanish
For new clients receiving TEFAP or CSFP, provide the client with the Application for Benefits to have filled out and completed. This information will be used to enter into Link2Feed to record a visit and provide commodities.
CSFP Notice of Action (HRP 1052A) English | Spanish
A letter to inform participants or eligible participants of their current status in the program.
CSFP Participant Rights & Obligations (HRP 1039A) English | Spanish
A pledge to the participant of CSFP from the USDA along with a participant pledge to the USDA
CSFP Recertification Notice (HRP 1037A) English | Spanish
Each year, participants or potential participants must certify (affirm) that they meet the program eligibility criteria.
CSFP Waiting List Enrollment Notification (HRP-1041A) English | Spanish
Notification informing the participants of CSFP that they were placed on the program waiting list.
Letter of Proxy
For neighbors who are unable to attend a food distribution, a family member or friend can bring a filled-out Letter of Proxy permitting the family member or friend to receive food for the client. The Letter of Proxy requires a picture ID of the client and family member or friend, remains valid for 1 year, and after it will need to be renewed.
USDA Compliance Review (HRP-1027A)
Per DES guidelines, United Food Bank requires each partner agency to participate in an annual audit to ensure all safety and compliance regulations are being followed.
Volunteer Confidentiality (HRP-1016A) English | Spanish
Due to volunteers gathering sensitive information from clients, all volunteers are required to sign a Volunteer Confidentiality form per state and federal laws to keep information protected.
Required Posted Signage
United Food Bank requires that all agency partners post the required signage according to program participation. The signage informs participants of their rights, eligibility guidelines, food safety, and the agency partner’s specific code of conduct.
2024 CSFP Income Eligibility Guidelines
Neighbors are eligible if they can self-declare that their income falls at or below the rates on the Income Eligibility Guidelines. Proof of income is not required; however, verbal, written, or typed consent must be made by the neighbor.
As a reminder, the Income Eligibility Guidelines must be posted near the distribution check-in area.
Agency Hours of Operations
Distribution Hours are required to be posted to the public for TEFAP agencies. Changes in TEFAP distribution days or times must be
reported to the Agency and Programs team.
Allergen Warning – English | Spanish
Warning that donated foods may have come in contact with common allergens.
Americans with Disabilities Act Notice (ADA)
Agencies are not to discriminate on the basis of disability in admission to, access to, or operation of its programs, services, and activities or in its hiring and employment practices.
And Justice for All
Agency partners of United Food Bank are required to display the appropriate “And
Justice for All” poster in their facilities where participants can view it. “And Justice for All” posters must be displayed in a specific size: 11” width x 17” height. Agencies can contact United Food Bank for an up to date poster.
Code of Conduct (Sample)
A set of guidelines for neighbors to follow when visiting your pantry. This should be created by the agency.
Delivery Drop Zone
Volunteers, staff, and neighbors must be safely out of the way until food is fully unloaded Pallets, equipment, and food must be able to safely and fully fit through doorways.
Language Notification (FAA-1208A)
A resource that connects neighbors to an interpreter who can translate materials from English to their language.
Program Eligibility Forms – English | Spanish
Neighbor eligibility for all United Food Bank programs that are not commodity-based.
USDA Civil Right Complaint Grievance Form (HRP-1014A) – English | Spanish
Neighbors must be made aware of their rights to file a Civil Rights Complaint Grievance. Forms must be posted in view for the neighbor to see and are required to be provided if requested.
CSFP Monthly Reporting
Resources and training for CSFP monthly reporting.
For more information or questions, contact the Agency Relations team at monthlyreports@vzu.7ea.myftpupload.com.
Reporting Resources & Training
CSFP MIR – Monthly Inventory Report
All agency partners who receive CSFP products must complete the Commodity Senior Food Program (CSFP) Distribution Site Monthly Inventory Report (MIR) form. The report is due two days after the final distribution or, at the latest, by the 27th of the month, whichever comes first.
CSFP MIR Instructions
A form guide describing how to complete the CSFP MIR.
CSFP Reporting Training
A visual guide describing how to complete the CSFP MIR.
Link 2 Feed Resources & Training
Link 2 Feed Overview
Link2Feed is the statewide reporting and data-tracking network that the Department of
Economic Security has been mandated as a requirement to receive and distribute food from TEFAP or CSFP.
Link2Feed Training Videos
Find all Link2Feed training videos on our You Tube channel
FAQ + Training Video Guide
Find the answers to your Link2Feed questions to the exact minute they are captured on video.
Partner Agency Training Resources
Partner Training and Expectations 2024
A downloadable slide deck of the most recent partnership training and expectations. To schedule a training and tour with United Food Bank, please reach out to your program’s contact.
2023-2024-United Food Bank Agency Partner Handbook
Our complete guide to partnership with United Food Bank
Annual Civil Rights Training
Please view the Civil Rights Training video before completing the form.
Civil Rights Training Form (HRP 1015A) English | Spanish
Complete this form and submit it to your program’s contact.
Food Safety Training
Obtain a Food Handlers Card
Submit a copy of your updated Food Handlers Card to your program’s contact.
Food Safety 2023
Review our most recent food safety best practices presentation
Shelf Life Guide
Guide created by United Food Bank to support knowing the difference between “expiration” dates, “best by” dates, and “use by” dates.
Student Hunger Programs
United Food Bank operates three different programs that target student hunger in partnership with local school districts, colleges, universities, and school-age care programs.
BackPack Program / Weekend Meals
The BackPack Program allows sites to provide nutritious, non-perishable, easy-to-prepare food for students to take home on weekends and school vacations. Students struggling with chronic hunger can be identified by parents or faculty and can take advantage of the resource when school meals aren’t readily available. BackPacks are usually distributed to students in a school setting.
Kids Cafe
Kids Cafe sites provide nutritious snacks to children during after-school hours and over the summer in a congregate setting. These programs also provide a safe environment for children through enrichment activities such as recreation or tutoring. Kids Cafe sites are usually school-age care programs like Boys & Girls Clubs.
School Markets
School Markets provide nutritious food to students and their families in a convenient, familiar, and safe location. If the agency partner has sufficient storage capacity, the market may operate as a permanent pantry set up, or food can be brought to the site and immediately distributed that same day as a mobile distribution or some combination of the two. Sites must be consistently in the same location, have set distribution schedules, and offer ongoing food assistance services. Food from this program is prepared and consumed at the student’s place of residence. School Markets are typically operated by schools, colleges, or universities.

Student Hunger Programs Required Forms
Application for Benefits (HRP-1028A) English | Spanish
For new families receiving TEFAP or CSFP, provide the client with the Application for Benefits to have filled out and completed. This information will be used to enter into Link2Feed to record a visit and provide commodities.
Letter of Proxy
For neighbors who are unable to attend a food distribution, a family member or friend can bring a filled-out Letter of Proxy permitting the family member or friend to receive food for the client. The Letter of Proxy requires a picture ID of the client and family member or friend, remains valid for 1 year, and after it will need to be renewed.
USDA Compliance Review (HRP-1027A)
Per DES guidelines, United Food Bank requires each partner agency to participate in an annual audit to ensure all safety and compliance regulations are being followed.
Volunteer Confidentiality (HRP-1016A) English | Spanish
Due to volunteers gathering sensitive information from clients, all volunteers are required to sign a Volunteer Confidentiality form per state and federal laws to keep information protected.
Required Posted Signage
United Food Bank requires that all agency partners post the required signage according to program participation. The signage informs participants of their rights, eligibility guidelines, food safety, and the agency partner’s specific code of conduct.
Agency Hours of Operations
Distribution Hours are required to be posted to the public for TEFAP agencies. Changes in TEFAP distribution days or times must be
reported to the Agency and Programs team.
Allergen Warning – English | Spanish
Warning that donated foods may have come in contact with common allergens.
Americans with Disabilities Act Notice (ADA)
Agencies are not to discriminate on the basis of disability in admission to, access to, or operation of its programs, services, and activities or in its hiring and employment practices.
And Justice for All
Agency partners of United Food Bank are required to display the appropriate “And
Justice for All” poster in their facilities where participants can view it. “And Justice for All” posters must be displayed in a specific size: 11” width x 17” height. Agencies can contact United Food Bank for an up to date poster.
Code of Conduct (Sample)
A set of guidelines for neighbors to follow when visiting your pantry. This should be created by the agency.
Delivery Drop Zone
Volunteers, staff, and neighbors must be safely out of the way until food is fully unloaded Pallets, equipment, and food must be able to safely and fully fit through doorways.
Language Notification (FAA-1208A)
A resource that connects neighbors to an interpreter who can translate materials from English to their language.
Program Eligibility Forms – English | Spanish
Neighbor eligibility for all United Food Bank programs that are not commodity-based.
TEFAP Income Guidelines (HRP-1023A) – School Markets ONLY
Neighbors are eligible if they can self-declare that their income falls at or below the rates on the Income Eligibility Guidelines. Proof of income is not required; however, verbal, written, or typed consent must be made by the neighbor.
As a reminder, the Income Eligibility Guidelines must be posted near the distribution check-in area.
USDA Civil Right Complaint Grievance Form (HRP-1014A) – English | Spanish
Neighbors must be made aware of their rights to file a Civil Rights Complaint Grievance. Forms must be posted in view for the neighbor to see and are required to be provided if requested.
Student Hunger Programs Monthly Reporting
Resources and training for all Student Hunger Program’s monthly reporting.
For more information or questions, contact the Agency Relations team at monthlyreports@vzu.7ea.myftpupload.com.
Reporting Resources & Training
This section is under review. Please check back later to find resources and support for your specific program.
Link 2 Feed Resources & Training
Link 2 Feed Overview
Link2Feed is the statewide reporting and data-tracking network that the Department of Economic Security has been mandated as a requirement to receive and distribute food from TEFAP or CSFP.
Link2Feed Training Videos
Find all Link2Feed training videos on our You Tube channel
FAQ + Training Video Guide
Find the answers to your Link2Feed questions to the exact minute they are captured on video.
Partner Agency Training Resources
Partner Training and Expectations 2024
A downloadable slide deck of the most recent partnership training and expectations. To schedule a training and tour with United Food Bank, please reach out to your program’s contact.
2023-2024-United Food Bank Agency Partner Handbook
Our complete guide to partnership with United Food Bank
Annual Civil Rights Training
Please view the Civil Rights Training video before completing the form.
Civil Rights Training Form (HRP 1015A) English | Spanish
Complete this form and submit it to your program’s contact.
Food Safety Training
Obtain a Food Handlers Card
Submit a copy of your updated Food Handlers Card to your program’s contact.
Food Safety 2023
Review our most recent food safety best practices presentation
Shelf Life Guide
Guide created by United Food Bank to support knowing the difference between “expiration” dates, “best by” dates, and “use by” dates.
Grocery Rescue & Pantry+
Grocery Rescue
Participating grocery retailers have agreed to set aside and donate excess food that has been deemed no longer sellable, but is still safe for human consumption.
Donations, from grocery retailers, consist of perishable and nonperishable items that improve a member’s nutritional mix, and nonfood household items that can add to the recipient’s quality of life and extend a budget.
The Pantry+ program is similar to a “wish list” for donated food items and Grocery Rescue products. Items included on the Pantry+ form are considered to be miscellaneous perishables and non-perishables, also known as MNP.

Grocery Rescue & Pantry+ Required Forms
Driver/Volunteer Checklist
A checklist that supports agency drivers/volunteers to prepare and execute grocery rescue pick-ups.
Letter of Proxy
For neighbors who are unable to attend a food distribution, a family member or friend can bring a filled-out Letter of Proxy permitting the family member or friend to receive food for the client. The Letter of Proxy requires a picture ID of the client and family member or friend, remains valid for 1 year, and after it will need to be renewed.
Non-Food Donation Directions
With the rising number of stores that sell not only groceries but also many other goods, there has been a shift in what stores are attempting to donate. United Food Bank, by our definition, accepts and distributes food and other consumables.
Temperature Log – Refrigerator Daily
Temperatures need to be taken and recorded daily while the Agency is open. If the Agency is closed on a specific day, write “Closed”. Each Refrigerator needs a separate log and must be kept for up to 2 years.
Temperature Log – Freezer Daily
Temperatures need to be taken and recorded daily while the Agency is open. If the Agency is closed on a specific day, write “Closed”. Each freezer needs a separate log and must be kept for up to 2 years.
Thermometer Calibration Weekly Log
All thermometers must be checked and calibrated weekly. Assign a number and specified location for each thermometer in use (assigned to a person, in the storage area, in a
truck, etc). Logs must be kept for up to 2 years.
USDA Compliance Review (HRP-1027A)
Per DES guidelines, United Food Bank requires each partner agency to participate in an annual audit to ensure all safety and compliance regulations are being followed.
Volunteer Confidentiality (HRP-1016A) English | Spanish
Due to volunteers gathering sensitive information from clients, all volunteers are required to sign a Volunteer Confidentiality form per state and federal laws to keep information protected.
Required Posted Signage
United Food Bank requires that all agency partners post the required signage according to program participation. The signage informs participants of their rights, eligibility guidelines, food safety, and the agency partner’s specific code of conduct.
Agency Hours of Operations
Distribution Hours are required to be posted to the public for TEFAP agencies. Changes in TEFAP distribution days or times must be reported to the Agency and Programs team.
Allergen Warning – English | Spanish
Warning that donated foods may have come in contact with common allergens.
Americans with Disabilities Act Notice (ADA)
Agencies are not to discriminate on the basis of disability in admission to, access to, or operation of its programs, services, and activities or in its hiring and employment practices.
And Justice for All
Agency partners of United Food Bank are required to display the appropriate “And
Justice for All” poster in their facilities where participants can view it. “And Justice for All” posters must be displayed in a specific size: 11” width x 17” height. Agencies can contact United Food Bank for an up to date poster.
Code of Conduct (Sample)
A set of guidelines for neighbors to follow when visiting your pantry. This should be created by the agency.
Delivery Drop Zone
Volunteers, staff, and neighbors must be safely out of the way until food is fully unloaded Pallets, equipment, and food must be able to safely and fully fit through doorways.
Language Notification (FAA-1208A)
A resource that connects neighbors to an interpreter who can translate materials from English to their language.
Program Eligibility Forms – English | Spanish
Neighbor eligibility for all United Food Bank programs that are not commodity-based.
USDA Civil Right Complaint Grievance Form (HRP-1014A) – English | Spanish
Neighbors must be made aware of their rights to file a Civil Rights Complaint Grievance. Forms must be posted in view for the neighbor to see and are required to be provided if requested.
Grocery Rescue & Pantry+ Monthly Reporting
Resources and training for Grocery Rescue & Pantry+ monthly reporting.
For more information or questions, contact the Agency Relations team at monthlyreports@vzu.7ea.myftpupload.com.
Reporting Resources & Training
Distribution Site Monthly Participation Report (MPR)
All Pantry+ or Enabled agency partners receiving food from United Food Bank through Grocery Rescue or Pantry+ orders must submit a Monthly Participation Report (MPR) to record distribution numbers. The distribution numbers are gathered and totaled from the sign-in sheets. The MPR is due along with sign-in sheets by the 5th of the following month. The MPR is required to be kept on file for five years.
Program Sign-in sheets
If only receiving Pantry+ or Grocery Rescue, agency partners will use the paper sign-in sheets and manually track their distribution numbers for their monthly reports. The sign-in sheets are required to track the participant’s name, address, and number of people in the household. The sign-in sheets must be signed by an agency partner representative to confirm the information is true and verified. The sign-in sheets are due along with the Monthly Participation Report (MPR) by the 5th of the following month. The sign-in sheets are required to be kept on file for five years.
Store Donation Receipt
Paper copy for agency drivers/volunteers to track store pickup weights and temperatures.
MealConnect Resources & Training
Meal Connect Guide & Categories
Guide to Mealconnect and how to navigate the app, to enter store receipts, and understand categories.
Partner Agency Training Resources
2023-2024-United Food Bank Agency Partner Handbook
Our complete guide to partnership with United Food Bank
Becoming an Enabled Agency
What does it mean to be an Enabled Agency? Participating grocery retailers (Community Partners) have agreed to set aside and donate excess food deemed no longer sellable but still safe for human consumption. An Enabled Agency is an Agency that is partnered with United Food Bank (UFB) and is authorized to pick up designated donations directly from grocery stores and other retailers on behalf of United Food Bank and Feeding America.
Enabled Agency Communications Guidelines
Communication is Key: Read these guidelines to understand United Food Bank’s expectations on communication with us and with the grocery stores.
Good Samaritan Act
The Good Samaritan Act encourages the donation of food and grocery products to 501(c)3 non-profit organizations for distribution to needy individuals. The law protects all food and grocery donors who donate wholesome food in good-faith from civil and criminal liability.
Partner Training and Expectations 2024
A downloadable slide deck of the most recent partnership training and expectations. To schedule a training and tour with United Food Bank, please reach out to your program’s contact.
Annual Civil Rights Training
Please view the Civil Rights Training video before completing the form.
Civil Rights Training Form (HRP 1015A) English | Spanish
Complete this form and submit it to your program’s contact.
Food Safety Training
Obtain a Food Handlers Card
Submit a copy of your updated Food Handlers Card to your program’s contact.
Food Safety 2023
Review our most recent food safety best practices presentation
Shelf Life Guide
Guide created by United Food Bank to support knowing the difference between “expiration” dates, “best by” dates, and “use by” dates.
2024 CSFP Income Eligibility Guidelines | Neighbors are eligible if they can self-declare that their income falls at or below the rates on the Income Eligibility Guidelines. Proof of income is not required; however, verbal, written, or typed consent must be made by the neighbor. As a reminder, the Income Eligibility Guidelines must be posted near the distribution check-in area. |
2024-2025 United Food Bank Agency Partner Handbook | Our complete guide to the partnership with United Food Bank. |
2024 Audit Schedule | View the 2024 Agency Audit Schedule to find out when your agency audit will be conducted. |
Address Confidentiality Program | Arizona’s Address Confidentiality Program (ACP) is a program run by Arizona’s Secretary of State that provides a substitute address for those escaping from domestic violence, sexual violence, or stalking situations. ACP protects the participants’ home, work, and/or school addresses, as well as phone numbers. |
Address Confidentiality Program Cards | Neighbors enrolled in ACP are not required to show Identification with personal information on them. Agencies are required to accept either the cards from the State of Arizona or United Food Bank’s Participant Cards. |
Distribution Hours are required to be posted to the public for TEFAP agencies. Changes in TEFAP distribution days or times must be reported to the Agency and Programs team. | |
Warning that donated foods may have come in contact with common allergens. | |
Americans with Disabilities Act Notice (ADA) | Agencies are not to discriminate on the basis of disability in admission to, access to, or operation of its programs, services, and activities or in its hiring and employment practices. |
And Justice for All
| Agency partners of United Food Bank are required to display the appropriate “And Justice for All” poster in their facilities where participants can view it. “And Justice for All” posters must be displayed in a specific size: 11” width x 17” height. Agencies can contact United Food Bank for an up to date poster. |
Annual Civil Rights Training Form | After completing the Annual Civil Rights Training by either attending a live training session or reviewing the training material via PowerPoint or reading, sign and send the completed TEFAP Annual Civil Rights Training Form to United Food Bank. Annual Civil Rights Training is required for all partner agencies and key volunteers. |
Application for Benefits (HRP-1028A) English | Spanish | For new families receiving TEFAP or CSFP, provide the client with the Application for Benefits to have filled out and completed. This information will be used to enter into Link2Feed to record a visit and provide commodities. |
Audit Checklist | View our Agency Audit Checklist to see what we’ll be checking at your agency audit. |
| What does it mean to be an Enabled Agency? Participating grocery retailers (Community Partners) have agreed to set aside and donate excess food deemed no longer sellable but still safe for human consumption. An Enabled Agency is an Agency that is partnered with United Food Bank (UFB) and is authorized to pick up designated donations directly from grocery stores and other retailers on behalf of United Food Bank and Feeding America. |
Civil Rights Training Form (HRP 1015A) English | Spanish
| Complete this form after you have watched the Annual Civil Rights Training video and submit it to your program’s contact. |
Code of Conduct (Sample) | A set of guidelines for neighbors to follow when visiting your pantry. This should be created by the agency. |
CSFP MIR – Monthly Inventory Report | All agency partners who receive CSFP products must complete the Commodity Senior Food Program (CSFP) Distribution Site Monthly Inventory Report (MIR) form. The report is due two days after the final distribution or, at the latest, by the 27th of the month, whichever comes first. |
CSFP MIR Instructions | A form guide describing how to complete the CSFP MIR. |
A letter to inform participants or eligible participants of their current status in the program. | |
CSFP Participant Rights & Obligations (HRP 1039A) English | Spanish
| A pledge to the participant of CSFP from the USDA along with a participant pledge to the USDA |
CSFP Recertification Notice (HRP 1037A) English | Spanish
| Each year, participants or potential participants must certify (affirm) that they meet the program eligibility criteria. |
CSFP Reporting Training | A visual guide describing how to complete the CSFP MIR. |
CSFP Waiting List Enrollment Notification (HRP-1041A) English | Spanish | Notification informing the participants of CSFP that they were placed on the program waiting list. |
Delivery Drop Zone | Volunteers, staff, and neighbors must be safely out of the way until food is fully unloaded Pallets, equipment, and food must be able to safely and fully fit through doorways. |
Distribution Site Monthly Participation Report (MPR)
| All Pantry+ or Enabled agency partners receiving food from United Food Bank through Grocery Rescue or Pantry+ orders must submit a Monthly Participation Report (MPR) to record distribution numbers. The distribution numbers are gathered and totaled from the sign-in sheets. The MPR is due along with sign-in sheets by the 5th of the following month. The MPR is required to be kept on file for five years. |
| A checklist that supports agency drivers/volunteers to prepare and execute grocery rescue pick-ups. |
Communication is Key: Read these guidelines to understand United Food Bank’s expectations on communication with us and with the grocery stores. | |
Find the answers to your Link2Feed questions to the exact minute they are captured on video. | |
Review our most recent food safety best practices presentation | |
The Good Samaritan Act encourages the donation of food and grocery products to 501(c)3 non-profit organizations for distribution to needy individuals. The law protects all food and grocery donors who donate wholesome food in good-faith from civil and criminal liability. | |
Grievance Log | All partner agencies of United Food Bank will need to keep a Grievance Log to handle any grievances or complaints. United Food Bank will request to see this log on-site. |
Language Notification (FAA-1208A)
| A resource that connects neighbors to an interpreter who can translate materials from English to their language. |
For neighbors who are unable to attend a food distribution, a family member or friend can bring a filled-out Letter of Proxy permitting the family member or friend to receive food for the client. The Letter of Proxy requires a picture ID of the client and family member or friend, remains valid for 1 year, and after it will need to be renewed. | |
Link 2 Feed Overview | Link2Feed is the statewide reporting and data-tracking network that the Department of Economic Security has been mandated as a requirement to receive and distribute food from TEFAP or CSFP. |
Find all Link2Feed training videos on our You Tube channel | |
Guide to Mealconnect and how to navigate the app, how to enter store receipts, and understand categories. | |
With the rising number of stores that sell not only groceries but also many other goods, there has been a shift in what stores are attempting to donate. United Food Bank, by our definition, accepts and distributes food and other consumables. | |
| Submit a copy of your updated Food Handlers Card to your program’s contact. |
Pantry+ Order Form | Pantry+ orders are filled based on product availability and can be updated every 6 months. Pantry+ items are acquired through store donations and food drives. |
A downloadable slide deck of the most recent partnership training and expectations. To schedule a training and tour with United Food Bank, please reach out to your program’s contact. | |
Pest Control Log | A 2-year blank log an agency can use to track and manage pest control applications at their pantry. |
Program Eligibility Forms – English | Spanish | Neighbor eligibility for all United Food Bank programs that are not commodity-based. |
Program Sign-in sheets | If only receiving Pantry+ or Grocery Rescue, agency partners will use the paper sign-in sheets and manually track their distribution numbers for their monthly reports. The sign-in sheets are required to track the participant’s name, address, and number of people in the household. The sign-in sheets must be signed by an agency partner representative to confirm the information is true and verified. The sign-in sheets are due along with the Monthly Participation Report (MPR) by the 5th of the following month. The sign-in sheets are required to be kept on file for five years. |
| Guide created by United Food Bank to support knowing the difference between “expiration” dates, “best by” dates, and “use by” dates. |
If an agency cannot use Link2Feed, these sign-in sheets must be utilized and filed on-site at the agency for up to 5-years. | |
Paper copy for agency drivers/volunteers to track store pickup weights and temperatures. | |
TEFAP Income Guidelines (HRP-1023A) | Neighbors are eligible if they can self-declare that their income falls at or below the rates on the Income Eligibility Guidelines. Proof of income is not required; however, verbal, written, or typed consent must be made by the neighbor. As a reminder, the Income Eligibility Guidelines must be posted near the distribution check-in area. |
TEFAP MIPR – Monthly Inventory and Participation Report (HRP-1005A)
| All agency partners receiving TEFAP products must complete the HRP-1005A TEFAP Monthly Inventory and Participation Report (MIPR) form. All reporting is due as soon as possible, but no later than the 5th of the following month. |
A form guide from the Department of Economic Security describing how to complete the TEFAP MIPR. | |
Temperatures need to be taken and recorded daily while the Agency is open. If the Agency is closed on a specific day, write “Closed”. Each freezer needs a separate log and must be kept for up to 2 years. | |
Temperatures need to be taken and recorded daily while the Agency is open. If the Agency is closed on a specific day, write “Closed”. Each Refrigerator needs a separate log and must be kept for up to 2 years. | |
Thermometer Calibration Weekly Log
| All thermometers must be checked and calibrated weekly. Assign a number and specified location for each thermometer in use (assigned to a person, in the storage area, in a truck, etc). Logs must be kept for up to 2 years. |
USDA Civil Right Complaint Grievance Form (HRP-1014A) – English | Spanish | Neighbors must be made aware of their rights to file a Civil Rights Complaint Grievance. Forms must be posted in view for the neighbor to see and are required to be provided if requested. |
USDA Compliance Review (HRP-1027A) | Per DES guidelines, United Food Bank requires each partner agency to participate in an annual audit to ensure all safety and compliance regulations are being followed. |
Volunteer Confidentiality (HRP-1016A) English | Spanish
| Due to volunteers gathering sensitive information from clients, all volunteers are required to sign a Volunteer Confidentiality form per state and federal laws to keep information protected. |
Agency Network

Josette Raper
Agency Capacity Specialist
O: (480) 398-4443 Ext. 253
C: (602) 390-1624

Karen Scoggins
Agency Logistics & CSFP Manager
O: (480) 398-4446 Ext. 235
Retail & Innovation