You can increase the number of families you feed by hundreds or even thousands by creating your own fundraising page or fundraising event!

Starting a campaign is easy.


Learn that 1 in 4 children in Arizona do not know where there next meal will come from, and decide to help.

It only takes a few minutes to  set up a campaign. Decide what to do. Pick a name. Pick a photo. And just like that, you’ll be ready to start raising food and funds to help alleviate the fear of hunger for your fellow Arizonans.


Spread the word and ask your friends to give.

Once your campaign is set up, tell everyone about it! The more people you tell, the quicker you’ll reach your goal. Then sit back and watch the donations to #feedaz roll in.


Tell your family and friends how they helped #feedaz

After your campaign is over, thank your family and friends. And thank yourself because every dollar you raised helped us provide 5 meals to Arizonan children, seniors and families in need.

Current Campaigns

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What will you do to #feedAZ?